I recall that no-one on this blog wanted Mowbray (he came last or second last in our poll) and our collective wisdom appears to be better than the Board's, so in that sense they are culpable.
I liked what Mowbray was trying to do. He seems like a nice guy too. Pity he was an awful manager. Right to the end, he seemed deluded that what he was trying to do "was right". I wonder how low we would have to sink for him to accept the reality of the team he had assembled?
Someone on this blog (I think it was Big John) wanted him sacked in January and I remember thinking that he needed more time. Big John - 1 Bobby - 0.
A few weeks ago, when the gap was 10 points, people were asking if we could catch up and I said that the gap would grow before the league was effectively over. It's effectively over. And the gap is potentially 16 points. Goal for Elliott. 1-1.
Georgios Samaras is the player equivalent of Tony Mowbray. The Herald described him as: "A genius and an imbecile. In the same move." Like Tony's tactics, he's a luxury we can't afford.
I'm happy to see Neil Lennon take the reigns since we have nothing to lose. Had Mowbray stayed I considered Celtic to be the weakest team of the four in the semi-final of the Scottish Cup (I'm not kidding). That's how low we had sunk. The only way is up.
So, who would you like to take the job?