Saturday, 19 February 2005

Back from Kenya

I got back from Kenya last Friday - but it's taken me a week to find my feet. It was harder than I thought to go from winter to summer and back to winter again. That and my body clock being totally screwed-up after 2½ weeks of early rises (I'm talking 6am every day) and early to bed (sometimes as early as 9pm).

I'm still working through my photographs. Digital photos are great but it takes a long time to do your own processing (download, review, edit and finalise). I'm just about there.

I maintained a (paper) journal while I was there and I'm currently turning this into a photo-and-story blog. It will take a while to complete.

Internet access is dire in Kenya so I had some catching-up to do when I got home. The Net feeds your brain and I missed some of the more celebral sites that you come across while surfing.

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