Thursday 10 April 2008

Socialism for the Rich: Bailing Out the Bankers and Builders

1 comment:

  1. Chomsky contends that although they aggressively champion the free market for everyone else, it is in fact a myth that big business and corporations are lean and dynamic capitalist entities that have naturaly risen to the top of the business order due to 'survival of the fittest'.

    Whilst it's OK for you and me to face the vagaries of the free market, competing in the labour market, supporting ourselves and paying our various creditors or face foreclosure and bankruptcy; this is not for big business.

    If you or I default on our mortgage it's hand over the keys and welcome to cardboard city.

    When the banks can't pay their bills it's a hiisy fit and let's blame the BBC for running the story and the Bank of England for not bailing is out immediately.

    Gor big business it's "give us $500billion" in tax breaks or we're out of your state/country.

    Still, better get our priorities right and go after those dole scroungers and layabout immigrants who are fleecing us for their £42 a week.

    And another thing.... a couple of months back I read an article stating that privatisation of Scottish Water could save the TAXPAYER £180million per year.

    Now, this is a blatant misrepresentation because unless we are going to start getting our water for free, the only entity that will be saving £180million will be THE GOVERNMENT. The rest of us will simply be paying a private tyranny for our water instead of the state and probably a good deal more too.
